29 Sep 2017: kihon enbu to shinsa no junbi

Begay sensei, Perry, Caroline, Jeremy, Michael
@ Manzano Mesa Center

Jeremy and Caroline on kihon enbu
Perry and Michael on shinsa no junbi


  • Jeremy – need to lessen power hitting with right; footwork and general basics of body movement
  • Caroline – more practice of fumikomi needed
  • Michael – on kendo no kata: blocking as uchidachi on sanbon
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22 Sep 2017: Kihon enbu

Perry, Michael, and Jeremy @ Manzano Mesa Center

We added sayu-men-dou from basic kihon drills today.

Note: Jeremy moved from Houston to ABQ, and it was his first keiko with us. He previously practiced a slightly different form of kendo.

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13 Sep 2017

Begay sensei, Perry, Brian, James, Caroline, Josh, Michael

Note: Josh Moore, a sandan kendoka, moved from Boston to Santa Fe, and it was his first keiko with us. He was with Boston Kendo Kyokai previously.

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