17 Apr 2015: keiko (27)

4/17/2015, Friday

Manzano Mesa Center

Begay sensei, Perry (shidou), Donovan, David, Steven, James, Kaz, Rebekah, Rachel, Michael

  1. zenshin ashisabaki
  2. 3-dan uchi drill
  3. kukan datotsu
  4. men uchi
  5. kihon drill
  6. kote-men uchi
  7. kirikaeshi
  8. one-handed men uchi drill
  9. (with bogu) men uchi
  10. kirikaeshi
  11. kihon drill
  12. jigeiko


  • Michael w/ Steven; Begay sensei w/ Perry in the beginning
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10 Apr 2015: bokuto ni yoru kihon waza, jigeiko (25)


Manzano Mesa Center

Begay sensei (shidou), Perry, Nico, Robert, Steve*, David, Rebekah, Rachel, Michael (9)

  1. bokuto ni yoru kihon waza
  2. dou uchi
  3. sayu men
  4. jigeiko

Note: Perry with Steve, Michael with Rachel, and Begay sensei with the rest for the first part of keiko; Steve is a new member

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3 Apr 2015: Center closed early


Center closed at 5 pm. None of the senior students or Begay sensei had received any announcement from the center. Perry had inquired the center earlier too, and he had received a confirmation that the center would remain open. Sensei has been talking with the director of the center regarding this. We haven’t had a good record of getting updates for last few months and we apologize for any inconvenience this has been causing you.